And now, to recap..

Neurocam steals history.
Neurocam steals ideas.
Neurocam steals identities.
Neurocam creates identities.
Neurocam is what you make of it.
Neurocam is mind control.
Neurocam is not mind control.
Neurocam enjoys a nice game of golf.
Neurocam loves the cock.
Neurocam is not limited to the confines of Austrailia.
Neurocam has nothing to do with Neurology.
Neurocam is not an ARG.
Neurocam is not what you expect.
Neurocam is not what you expect.
Neurocam is not what you expect.
12:04 AM
Neurocam is history...and its stain is next to impossible to erase.
Never let your passions betray the circle that you yourself have drawn. top